Monday, September 26, 2011

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Monday, August 29, 2011

Friday, June 24, 2011

9 week U/S

This is our sweet baby @ 9 weeks. Hoping to see the 17th week one soon!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Baby Names

We have been thinking alot about baby names again.
If we have a baby girl, we will name her Emma Grace Chatham or Chloe Faith Chatham. We are kinda stuck on these 2.
We have several names that we are deciding on if it's a boy. We love Parker James Chatham(James is after my daddy) we will call him Parker,There are several more we are trying to pick from. I think we will know once we see our baby.
Our bithmother is absoloutely wonderful~ Can't wait to meet her in a few months and the birth father as well.
We thank God for the opportunity of finally becoming a mom and dad after all of these years. Thank you to our family and friends for the love and continued support. Now if Decemebr would hurry up and get here~

Saturday, May 28, 2011

We have been Chosen!

Wow! So much has happened in the last few days. We were chosen by our birthmother Thursday. I was getting ready for work and the phone rung and it was the adoption agency telling us we have been picked! I was in shock. Couldn't find Dave. He was outside somewhere and I went looking for him yelling out the front door, back door and
We have the most amazing birth mom and dad ever! We truly feel like God has led us to one another. I have never met a more self-less, couragious and strong young lady in my life. ~She is exactly 12 weeks and 3 days today. Our baby is due 12/7/11.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Fundraising Store Now Open!

Our fundraising store is now open! You can go to and start shopping our store for T/shirts!!!!!! Thank You!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Today was a beautiful day outside. We planted our first Magnolia tree in the back yard. We also planted impatiens in the front yard. Hope they will take this year because our Bogonias did nothing last year.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Just wanted to let everyone know that we will have our fundraiser tshirt store opened @ the end of next week. I will post the direct link to our site and then let the shopping begin! We are so excited and have had so many family and friends that are ready to help us out thru this journey. For every tshirt that is purchased, we will recieve a % of commission towards our adoption cost. We are truly blessed and thankful to have all of you in our lives. We can't wait to celebrate the homecoming of our precious baby with you when the time comes! Until then, please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers~

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Emailed a company about the t shirts yesterday. Just waiting to hear back so we can start our fundraiser. So glad to be off for a few days. I need the rest~


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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Patiently Waiting

 My dear friend Stacey was just who I needed to talk to yesterday. She adopted her son, Josh, from Guatemala. So she has been through the whole adoption process and the waiting and anxiety and every other emotional side of the roller coaster there is to be on. She gave me a peace of mind after hanging up the phone. Tears streamed down my face. It's as if all the anxiety and worrying I have done about us being chosen by a birth mom, just melted away. She said to me "Brandy, now you know it's going to take time. A woman is pregnant for atleast 9 months before giving birth so just think of it as if you are pregnant." Well typically (and I found this funny) we are paper She also said "Just know that it is going to get worse before it gets better". What? I don't know if I can handle the worse But I know that God doesn't give us more than we can handle, and trust me, i have had my share. Thank you Stacey. I love you girl!
Just  knowing  that our baby is out there waiting for us to bring him/her home, is what keeps me going from day to day. I do not know how long the Lord plans for us to wait, but we know it is all in his timing. Cant wait to hold our precious baby. I often imagine what it's going to be like changing the babys first diaper, feeding them for the first time, holding them in my arms and being greeted with morning smiles and kisses from our baby. Can't wait to hear pitter patter feet running across the floor.  We love our baby so much already and we havent met them yet. We pray that we have a wonderful birth mother that we can give her support and make her feel comfortable enough to hand her baby over to us. We know that this is a selfless and couragious choice for her.
We have found several designs for our tshirt fund raiser. I will keep you posted on what we decideUntil then, please continue to keep us in your prayers. Thank You~

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

2/5/2010~The adoption process is going great. We completed writing our 2 birthmother letters and 28 Q&A. Now we just have to submit the 65 photos. Once they recieve the photos and letters, we will be up in 1 week on 3 adoption websites for the birthmom to chose us. We sign up for our homestudy Monday. Then after study is complete, we can bring our baby home:-)

1/30/2010~We have our conference call with the "media" specialist tomorrow evening. Our profile will b shown on 3 different adoption websites. They are requesting a minimum of 65 photos that have been taking within the last year. I guess we need to get picture snappin

1/26/2010~So we have completed our birthmother letter & have chosen the pictures to send in to be placed on the Internet. Now we r waiting for the "media" people to call us this week regarding placing our profile on the adoption website. Once they place us on the site, then the birth mom can chose us. We have chosen a few boy names (if its a boy) Brayden Michael Chatham or Parker (just havent came up with a middle name yet)

1/17/2010 David and I had a great conference call with our adoption specialist tonight! We should b up and running on the adoption website in a few weeks and because we r open to many ethnicity's, she said it's only a matter of weeks before we r chosen by our birthmother or have our baby girl/boy home. Buying our carseat and stroller (travel system) next week:)!

1/15/2010 -Thank u ALL for the support, prayers, and words of encouragement! We were overwhelmed by all the comments we received. We r so excited to b adopting our baby soon. Once our information is posted on the adoption website, the birthmother then can choose us. We were told anywhere from 3 weeks to 4 months we will have our baby home!! Please continue to keep us in ur prayers. We have a lot of planning to do until then:)

1/14/2010 The approval came thru!!!!!! God is so good!!!!!! We r adopting a baby:)))))))))))

1/13/2010  Please keep us in ur prayers. We r waiting on a very important approval to come thru:)