Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Patiently Waiting

 My dear friend Stacey was just who I needed to talk to yesterday. She adopted her son, Josh, from Guatemala. So she has been through the whole adoption process and the waiting and anxiety and every other emotional side of the roller coaster there is to be on. She gave me a peace of mind after hanging up the phone. Tears streamed down my face. It's as if all the anxiety and worrying I have done about us being chosen by a birth mom, just melted away. She said to me "Brandy, now you know it's going to take time. A woman is pregnant for atleast 9 months before giving birth so just think of it as if you are pregnant." Well typically (and I found this funny) we are paper She also said "Just know that it is going to get worse before it gets better". What? I don't know if I can handle the worse But I know that God doesn't give us more than we can handle, and trust me, i have had my share. Thank you Stacey. I love you girl!
Just  knowing  that our baby is out there waiting for us to bring him/her home, is what keeps me going from day to day. I do not know how long the Lord plans for us to wait, but we know it is all in his timing. Cant wait to hold our precious baby. I often imagine what it's going to be like changing the babys first diaper, feeding them for the first time, holding them in my arms and being greeted with morning smiles and kisses from our baby. Can't wait to hear pitter patter feet running across the floor.  We love our baby so much already and we havent met them yet. We pray that we have a wonderful birth mother that we can give her support and make her feel comfortable enough to hand her baby over to us. We know that this is a selfless and couragious choice for her.
We have found several designs for our tshirt fund raiser. I will keep you posted on what we decideUntil then, please continue to keep us in your prayers. Thank You~

1 comment:

  1. I am happy to know that I helped you to feel better girl. It is the longest process in the world when you are the mom to be just waiting for your turn...I know! But you and David are strong and I know you all can survive the wait!
    Love you, Stacey
